Welcome to
The Church of John the Baptist
Congratulations to Brian Shaw
We are delighted that Brian Shaw has been accepted to train for the Ordained Local Ministry (OLM) in our parish
What is OLM in the Church of Ireland?
First and foremost, it is an ordained ministry - OLM's are deacons and priests in the fullest sense of the word. A priest is a priest and an OLM is not in any way a second class ordained minister. They have a different role but their orders are second to none.
Secondly, it is a local ministry - limited to the parish/group of parishes or rural deanery. Brian will be linked to our parish.
Thirdly, it is a self-supporting ministry, so Brian continues to work in his normal job but complements the Rector as a priest when time permits.
Fourthly, it is supervised ministry - Brian will always be supervised by he Rector and work with him.
Fifthly, it is a recognised ministry, it is a particular ministry recognised by the Church and for which training has been undertaken and ongoing support is required.
Sixthly, it is a collaborative or team or companion ministry. An OLM is always part of a team of clergy and lay people. They are there to facilate a "healthy church" and should always see themselves as an essential support to the work of the Rector.
For the next eighteen months, Brian will complete assignments and practical training under the guidance and assessment of the Rector. When this is complete, Brian may be recommended to the Bishop for ordination as a Deacon and after one year, recommended for ordination to the priesthood.
Please pray for him as he begins this important journey and pray for the Rector in is supervision and guidance in Brian's formation.