Welcome to
The Church of John the Baptist
This years recipient of the Agherton Music Scholarship is Miss Phoebe Kelly. Phoebe is our resident harp instrumentalist and regularly plays pieces during our services.
"Hi, my name is Phoebe Kelly and I am 13 years old (nearly 14 actually)! I go to school at Coleraine Grammar and I am in year 10. Some of you may already know that I play the harp but I also play piano and violin as well.
I actually got into harp when my sister started playing it at Causeway School of Music, after a while we then moved to Hampsey Harp School and finally we made the great choice of moving to Causeway Harp School run by Katy Bustard. I have just finished my grade 5 in Irish traditional harp and plan to do my grade 6 exam in June this year!
I really enjoy playing the harp and I am really grateful for the opportunity to play in our church as it gives me so much confidence.
I also really appreciate all the lovely comments that people have given to me, it makes me very happy that people enjoy my music so much."
..................in her own words